Türkiye Bitkileri Veri Servisi
Turkish Plants Data Service


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Taxa in grids

Taxonomic hierarchy


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Taxa in vilayets (provinces): List the taxon/taxa in related vilayets. The name of the vilayet can be selected on the administrative Turkish map, or more than one vilayets at once can be also selected by filling the related box/boxes in the given table.

Taxa in grid squares: Turkey has been divided into thirty squares according to the P. H. Davis’ system. For searching the taxa, the grid squares can be selected and related taxa will be listed.

Taxonomic index: The taxanomic hierarchy is followed in the index. The first step gives the name of family and the second step generic names of the taxa. The number of the taxa are given in each taxonomic categories in paranthesis.

Chromosomal information: The chromosomal information which have already been entered the database are listed. When the taxon is chosen from the list, the chromosomal information of the taxon is listed in the page of Taxon Information.

Vernacular names of the plants: The vernaculer names which have already been entered the database are listed. When the taxon is chosen from the list, the vernaculer name of the taxon is listed in the page of Taxon Information.

Comparing Taxa: It has been established to be based on comparing the data of taxa selected. This is performed in two different ways; by general information and geographical distributions of the taxa.